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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

international cadet camp

哈哈... 回来了这么久都忘了写..都快一个礼拜了...我本人觉得international cadet camp蛮不错的 , 很好玩...也有很多开心的事 , 也认识了许多来自不同的国家与马来西亚个州的朋友... 很高兴认识他们... camp是不错 ,可是有些美中不足的地方.. 大致上是不错.. 哈哈...

Monday, December 8, 2008

going to flood!!!

wah!!! my house going to flood again!!! The front of my house and longkang full d.. haiz... hope it wont continue until the water into my house!!! I want to go camp de leh.. I dont want because of this affect my mood... If no i cant enjoy my camp well and need to worry my house everyday... sigh...