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Sunday, September 27, 2009


和去年一样 , 去维进家庆祝。。。 呜啊哈哈哈。。。 可是 , 今年就比较少朋友去。。xian咯~
今年他有请他MMU的朋友 , 幸好之前认识了几位 , 希望他们也有到。。。咔咔。。
今年中秋节体验到比较特别的活动 , 参加甲州第二区的分队队庆。。在那里做了一件好久没做的事和一件从来没做过的事。。

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I just finish watched this movie play the lead by jacky chan . It's all about the gangsters in Japan . In this movie , jacky chan doesn't know how to fight at all . It's good for the story . But It's very cruel and doesn't suitable for kid that under 18 . haha!!! That's all . Leave comment after watch it .

Sunday, September 20, 2009


1. last beverage - 7up revive
2. last phone call - er.. .. .. my dad..
3. last text message - wendy tay
4. last song you listened to - spirited away theme song
5. last time you cried - when my grandma passed away

6. dated someone twice = ya sure~
7. been cheated on = since i change myself
8. kissed someone & regretted it = no way!! why should we regret ?
9. lost someone special = my family (grandma)
10. been depressed = of course wat~
11. been drunk and depressed = nope~

12. perple
13. white
14. Black

15. Made a new friend - yup,lots of..
16. Fallen out of love - in or out ?
17. Laughed until you cried - absolutely yes!!
18. Met someone who changed you - ya~
19. Found out who your true friends were - none~
20. Found out someone was talking about you - Yeah... biasa already~
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list - nope~

22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life - ehto... bout 80% ba~
24. Do you have any pets - nope~
25. Do you want to change your name - no... i love it...
26. What did you do for your last birthday - nothing special.. my parents celebrate with me~
27. What time did you wake up today - 10am++
28. What were you doing at midnight last night - watched hong kong drama..
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for - excitement after exams
30. Last time you saw your Mother - im looking at her now..
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life - hopes i never meet you all...
32. What are you listening to right now - hong kong drama..

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - nope...
34. What's getting on your nerves right now - no~
35. Most visited webpage - FB , MSN , blog.. .. ..
36. Where you want to be right now - earth
37. Nicknames - ken , kenny , kenji , kai loon(in chinese) er.. .. ..
38. Relationship Status - Single + available.. .. .. But aiming for someone.. i think..
39. Zodiac sign - Cancer (what a weird zodiac)

41. Elementary? = SJKC Wen Hua
42. Middle school = SMKMA
43. Hair colour = black + brownish
44. Long or short = Abit spike like bran also.. ..
46. Height = 178

47. Do you have a crush on someone - ya
48. What do you like aboNope - what's this ??
50. Tattoos - no!!!
51. Righty or lefty - righty
52. First surgery - nope
53. First piercing - eh.. .. ..

54. First best friend - no
55. First kiss - kiss my mom
56. First vacation - not sure.. .. ..
57. First crush - long time ago~~~~

59. Eating - just finish.. ..
60. Drinking - no
61. I'm about to - date with someone
62. Listening to - hong kong drama lo~
63. Waiting for - someone to be my girlfriend~ lolz!!!!

64. Want kids? - sure la!!!
65. Get married - sure la!!!
66. Career - accountant

WHICH IS BETTER :(This is in what condition ?)
67. Lips or eyes - eyes
68. Hugs or kisses - both
69. Shorter or taller - ngam ngamm lo~~
70. Older or Younger - younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous - both
72. Nice stomach or nice arms - both
73. Sensitive or loud - erm,loud?
74. Hook-up or relationship - relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant - hesitant

76. Kissed a stranger - nope
77. Drank hard liquor - nope
78. Lost glasses/contacts - nope
79. Sex on first date - xiao meh!!!
80. Broken someone's heart - Broken by many ppl before broke someone
81. Had your own heart broken - broken unhealed
82. Been arrested - no la!!!
83. Turned someone down - I think got~ write it in comment if got...
84. Cried when someone died - yes... this is the only event that will cause me cry...
85. Fallen for a friend? - er.. .. .. forget jor...

86. Yourself = YES!!!!
87. Miracles = yup.. .. but i will put more effort too...
88. Love at first sight = em... ya gua...
89. Heaven = yeah
90. Santa Claus = the santa claus that give presents or in front of me only..
91. Kiss on the first date = sure~
92. Angels = ya

93. Had more than one bf/gf? - yes.. but not yi jiao ta 2 3 4 5 6 chuan..
95. Did you sing today? - no.. hehe..
96. Ever cheated on somebody? = lolz!! ya sure.. But that's the only way i can do..
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why? - Until I born.. So that I can change myself.. .. ..
98. Are you afraid of falling in love with somebody else? - No

Saturday, August 29, 2009


*** 资料***

姓名:Kenny Lim Kai Loon
别名:Kenji / kenny zai and so on...
生日:24th of June
生肖: Goat
星座: cancer
来自:need to say de meh ? lolz!!!
身高:179cm gua... around that but not more than that...
口头禅:Haiz... Sigh...
解压法:Listen to the music
爱好:Anything that is fun..
friendster: ~now using facebook...
对我的印象:Ask yourselves la!!!

*** 我的最爱 ***

颜色:Any colour except pink.... Dont know why..
水果: All
食物:As long as it can be eat... But not worm or anything like that..
休闲活动:Listin to the music
歌:Any song that's nice
最想要的东西:Anything i want
最想做的东西:Anything i want
最想去的地方:Anything i want

*** 秘密心菲 ***


年龄: Secret
喜欢的人:Many oh..
令你难忘的事:Forgot oledi~~~
令你丢脸的事:Forget oledi~~
令你伤心的事:People break my heart
令你可怕的事:Someone that have two face
令你后悔的事: Easy going...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sorry girl!!!

Haiz... I feel regret this few day especially that day after back from school.... Sigh... actually I dont know what was happened on me too... How can I do that ? as a senior and as a guy I should help you all... But i didnt!!! I just stood there and watched... You all cleaned the st john room.. I never help!! Until Li Yee sliped... And i even didnt help her up... I just stood there and did nothing... what was i did ?!! WHY?! sorry!!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Guess who is this ? ^^

Today , I found many old photo in my dad room and wow I saw all my parents and relatives young~~~ lolz... Totally different with what i see now... lolz... and here's some of the photo... ^^

This is my dad when he was in 20's.. wow!!! unbelieveable~~~

My mom and dad... See... so handsome and pretty~~~ ^.^

Guess who is this ? ^.^


Hard to believe...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

wohoo~~!!! i master all the rubik's cube i bought!!! T.T

yes!!!! I just bought my new 5x5x5 rubik's cube yesterday . I master it by today!! wohoo!!! happy~~~ (with nothing to say) lolz!!! too happy already~~

aiya~~ I view my rubik's cube family~~~

All my rubik's cube from 2x2x2 , 3x3x3 , 4x4x4 5x5x5 and mini cube~~ ^.^

This is the 1st cube my dad bought for me~ ^.^ He said he will buy for me if i can solve 3x3x3 rubik's cube and finally i made it after 2hours( i think)

This is the 2nd cube(mini cube) i bought at giant~~ I didnt buy it actually but i... dont know how to say that machine but I usually called it kong long dan~~ ^^

This is the 3rd and 4th cubes i bought at Tai Kuang after I really master and solve the 3x3x3 cube smoothly~~

This is the 5th cube I bought at Jonker Street~~ I bought this just to improve my speed to solve this 3x3x3 cube in short period of time.....

This is the 6th cube I bought it yesterday at Bukit Beruang's pasar malam.. hehe~~ ANd i master it already!!! wohoo~~~